2023 Newsletters - 2023-02-17
Sexually Transmitted Infections
Any sexually active person may be exposed to an STI and request to be screened. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommends the following:
Read more2022 Newsletters - 2022-12-02
HIV Integrase Inhibitors
Clinicians now have five classes of antiretroviral agents (ARVs) for the treatment of HIV infection in both treatment-naïve and treatment - experienced individuals.
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All About HIV
HIV testing tells you whether or not you have HIV. Knowing your status is important because it helps you make decisions to stay healthy and prevent getting or transmitting HIV.
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Diabetes is a lifelong disease in which the body cannot process sugar properly. Diabetes is also called "diabetes mellitus" or "sugar diabetes". When people who have diabetes eat glucose, which is found in foods such as breads, potatoes and sweets, it can't be converted into energy. Instead of being converted into energy, the glucose stays in the blood.
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Fatigue and Biological Assessments
Fatigue is the first reason for consultation with general practitioners. However, this general term covers very diverse origins, most often banal but sometimes more serious. Fatigue is to be differentiated from asthenia, a medical term, which corresponds to fatigue that is not improved by rest. Asthenia requires a consultation with your GP.
Read more2022 Newsletters - 2022-10-01
BRCA Testing For Hereditary Breast And Ovarian Cancer
Cancer occurs when cells in your body start to grow out of control. These cancer cells can multiply very quickly, cause growth or tumors, invade surrounding tissues, and even spread. (metastasize) to other areas of the body.
Read more2022 Newsletters - 2022-09-01
Approach to Adult Patient with Anemia
Anaemia is defined as a reduction in one or more of the red blood cell indices of Hemoglobin (Hb) concentration, Hematocrit, and Red blood cell (RBC) count. However, Hemoglobin concentration is the most widely used parameter.
Read more2022 Newsletters - 2022-08-11
Understand Allergies Better
Allergy is related to the development of an inappropriate reaction of the body to contact with an allergen. This reaction develops in a context that brings together a set of family and environmental factors. It results in the appearance of a wide variety of symptoms that evolve over the course of a lifetime and can affect several organs.
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Pollen allergy: causes and symptoms
Respiratory allergies affect many people, especially allergic rhinitis which alone affects about 25% of adults. The symptoms vary and are most often non-specific to the allergy.
Read more2022 Newsletters - 2022-07-18
Monkeypox virus is an enveloped double-strain DNA virus of the Poxviridae family. Orthopoxvirus genus. There are 2 distinct genetic clades, called the Central Africa and West African clades, depending on where they are originally described. The Central African clade causes more severe diseases. Various animal species are the natural hosts of this virus, mainly rodents, tree squirrels and some non-human primates.
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