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2022 Newsletters - 2022-08-11

Understand Allergies Better

Allergy is related to the development of an inappropriate reaction of the body to contact with an allergen. This reaction develops in a context that brings together a set of family and environmental factors. It results in the appearance of a wide variety of symptoms that evolve over the course of a lifetime and can affect several organs.

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2022 Newsletters - 2022-08-11

Pollen allergy: causes and symptoms

Respiratory allergies affect many people, especially allergic rhinitis which alone affects about 25% of adults. The symptoms vary and are most often non-specific to the allergy.

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2022 Newsletters - 2022-07-18


Monkeypox virus is an enveloped double-strain DNA virus of the Poxviridae family. Orthopoxvirus genus. There are 2 distinct genetic clades, called the Central Africa and West African clades, depending on where they are originally described. The Central African clade causes more severe diseases. Various animal species are the natural hosts of this virus, mainly rodents, tree squirrels and some non-human primates.

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2022 Newsletters - 2022-07-13

Prostate Specific Antigen

Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA), is a protein secreted by the acinar cells of the Prostate, and is highly specific for the Prostate. Serum PSA levels are useful for determining the extent of Prostate Cancer, and assessing the response to therapy. However, it is NOT Prostate cancer specific and other conditions such as: Benign Prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) or Prostatitis can affect PSA levels.

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2022 Newsletters - 2022-07-13

Cervical Cancer


The cervix is the lowermost part of the uterus (womb) that leads to the vagina. It connects the Vagina to the Womb.

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2022 Newsletters - 2022-07-13

Interpretation of COVID-19 RT PCR Positive & Negative Results on Sequential Samples

RT-PCR for SARS-CoV-2 is a diagnostic test designed for detecting the virus in respiratory samples of symptomatic individuals.

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2022 Newsletters - 2022-07-13

Drug Testing

This guide serves to inform you of the different types of Drug tests available, what type of test to choose, and under which circumstances. Drugs can be divided into legally prescribed drugs like: Benzodiazepines (E.g. Valium), Opiates and other Analgesics, and Illicit drugs like:

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2022 Newsletters - 2022-06-01

IgM and PCR Co-Testing for COVID-19 at PLKv

To date, Pathologists Lancet Kenya has conducted over 100,000 tests for COVID-19 since commencing testing onsite in April 2020.

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2022 Newsletters - 2022-05-01

Approach to the Adult Patient with Anaemia

Anaemia is defined as a reduction in one or more of the red blood cell indices of haemoglobin (Hb) concentration, hematocrit, and red blood cell (RBC) count. However, haemoglobin concentration is the most widely used parameter.

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2022 Newsletters - 2022-05-01

Cervical Cancer Screening

Cervical cancer is caused by chronic infection with one of 14 high-risk human papillomaviruses (HR-HPV). Most infected women will clear HR-HPV through natural immunity (usually between 1 - 2 years of acquisition), but a proportion (± 10%) will have infection that persists, resulting in cellular changes that may progress from premalignant dysplasia to high grade dysplasia (CIN2, CIN3), and eventually to invasive cervical carcinoma.

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